Monday, June 10, 2013

I'm not there yet... but I'm closer then I was yesterday.

To whomever is reading this first post...

I've spent a lot of time thinking over what to write in my first post. 
I'd been really afraid of facing people with my first published book.
Don't take it the wrong way, I'm sure lots of authors must have felt the same way at some point.
I'd written a lot, books, personal stories, prose and I loved and hated each work simultaneously.
A few years ago, I'd read a review about a book that I didn't like or maybe just didn't appreciate it in the right manner. 
Anyway, the review said: "Not every story is worth telling...", and I'd thought to myself: Why not? 
If a book is written the right way, with the right twist and manages to communicate the right message, then why wouldn't it be worth telling?
If a romance book is written with the aim to get people dreamy and smitten with a story or a character; wouldn't it be worth writing and allow readers to escape their reality, even for an hour or two every now and then.
If a non-fiction, autobiography, travel or art book, would allow people to learn from another experience, to cultivate some knowledge about several subjects, then, in my opinion, every story is worth telling, and from there, we are free to choose whether to read it or not, and judge its form and content.
As I'd previously said, it took me a long time to allow myself to share my upcoming story.
It might seem common for some romance readers, but, as a reader myself, I never stopped falling in love with a book, no matter how occurring the story might be, and that's the beauty in reading.
Choice of words change, characters change, scenery,situations, and so on; but emotions remain the same.
So I don't know if my story will please everyone, or even anyone at all. All I know is that stories are worth telling, worth sharing, it is a way for writers to leave some kind of impact in the world, and I hope, with all my heart, that it would be appreciated by readers and Romance book lovers.
Please know that since the book had been introduced on goodreads, each time it's added on a member to-read list, brings me nothing but joy and determination. And for that, I am thankful and humbled.
That is all I wanted to say for my first post, also, I hope you enjoy the story of my characters in the first installment of 'The Burning Desire Series': Consume Me.
The cover reveal is due in four days and release date has been confirmed for June 20th. 
Please stay tuned for a Giveaway on

Gratefully yours,
R. F. Allie

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