Thursday, November 7, 2013

Long Overdue -- Euphemism at its best--

Ladies, Ladies, and Gentlemen,

Greetings from inside the most beautiful building (In my opinion),

The Stephen A. Shwarzman
It's been hard for me not to fall into the cliché - but I can tell you, with complete honesty and without a fraction of doubt, that the term "Struggling Author" exists for a reason.
I've been delaying this explanation for far too long -- and giving all the encouraging and insisting e-mails, and the clear unbearable wait that some of the readers showed, it is time for me to tell you about my recent struggles, starting October 7th.

October 7th, 2013: The day I returned to the greatest city in the world after a long time away from it.
For starters, I feel the need to point out that Ignite Me (A burning desire Novel #2) was done in a three step process. Hand-Writing; (I have an extremely unusual ritual when it comes to writing -- I'll share it in the near future on a writing blog.) The second process includes a vintage type writer I was gifted from an old friend of mine, and after the first editing of the second draft, I moved to my good old computer.

The editing; Debbie Lewis, Patrice Eason, Micah O., and India Holland. Those are the ladies who joined in to work on the editing of both the plot and the grammar, along with my dear Alicia and Devon, Grammarly, Ginger, and Style Writer. (My paranoia got the best of me, and that should've been my first clue.)

Dividing the work in teams, I started with both Alicia and Devon, then moved to my team of amazing and inspiring readers, to get to the final touches of the software. While working on the editing of Chapter 23 through 28, I was still out of town, but ready for the October 19th release.

As things tend to happen in succession; I got a call from the bank on October 3rd announcing that I had been hacked along with several other account holders during a security breach. I had to sign a NDA, but they got me my money back eventually.
Now, let's get to the good stuff.

I, of course, thought that was the last of it, and since I had four different e-mails account, personal, work related, school related, and the ARC account, or that's what I thought...
Oh how mistaken I was; as Google happened to connect all the accounts together and once one was hacked all the others were breached.

After endless international calls and e-mails (From a newly created account) with Google assistance and support, I managed to rescue two addresses out of four.

Arrive October 7th, 2013, 2:00 AM, I am on a Lufthansa flight, for eight straight hours, working on the book, and taking notes for the third, as I'd started working on it. It was all good -- until -- once inside my apartment, the charger provokes a blackout in my building, and fries my laptop.

No worries, I happen to be a smart girl, and a paranoid one, I have back up all over the clouds, in every corner of the clouds, hard-drive, and I can go back to my rescued e-mails or ask the people that helped around to send me their copies.

Ok, then what is the effin problem? Why isn't Ignite Me out yet? I mean these are all circumstantial, and just bad luck, what's the hold up?

Well, fellow readers,, followers, and maybe angry Landon lovers, here is the issue: I believe in signs, I'm spiritual. I decided that all the bad luck had to be for a reason beyond my understanding, and guess what? I was right.

First, I thought that I should work on the plot again, I mean I can do better, so why the hell not, and what's an extra day or two, or even a week? People may thing it's a strategy to get more readers... One of the readers asked if I was waiting for a 200 likes milestone to release the book, and another had a great rant that made her a good friend of mine. I just love honesty.

No, I'm not greedy, I appreciate each and every one of you, all 125 from Facebook, and all the Goodreads fans and friends, and all the good and negative reviews. I appreciate everything you do.

The reason Ignite Me has been delayed for so long is more complicated than a cover, a bad charger, or laziness. It is simply... my unwillingness to deliver something that would be less than perfect (at least in my eyes) but also, I've been faced with some ideas, related to my background, and people trying to figure out my true identity and menacing me. I have a religious background. A Muslim one. No intention of tarnishing a religion, this is a result of bad education, growing stupidity, and misinformation, that resulted in what people call extremism.

I've chosen not to talk about it in details and continue to protect my privacy as much as I can.

Thank you for respecting that.

Now, let's talk updates and the new release date:

I had something specific in my mind when working on the cover of Ignite Me, and while searching and searching, and searching through my messed up brain, I finally realized that I had it right in front of me. The work is almost done, which is the reason I'm announcing a cover reveal event, with a little perk for both parties. Myself, the author, and all of you readers. The five first new likes on my Facebook get a signed copy of Consume Me, and for every share of the book reveal or author page by my faithful, patient, and loyal followers,  there would be five signed e-book copies of both Consume Me and Ignite Me the night of its release.

To get back to what seems, and most likely is, the most important piece of information: The new release date.
No drum rolls... Maybe a little... No? Too angry? Too disappointed? Okay, okay, you're right!

The release date will be Friday, November 22nd, 2013 at 00:00 CT and 6:00 AM in The UK and European countries.

I am very thankful for the leap of faith you all took on me, and hope this delay didn't affect your love for Landon Davis, Clea, Jude, Jenna, and Ryan. There is a whole lot of action, and one thriving roller coaster ride waiting for Clea.  I can't wait for you to enjoy it.

Last, but not least, let's spread some love and gratitude to all of you readers, old ones and new,

Christie HN (Amazon): Thank you for your review, and for loving the book. Your opinion is greatly appreciated. Love Xx.

Izel Itzli (Amazon): Thank you for your feedback, I will do my best not to fall in the patterns you think I fell in. And if I do, I hope you indulge my efforts in trying not to. Your opinion matters to me, and I'm grateful you took the time to review Consume Me.

Laurie Barrica (Amazon): Thank you so much for your feedback. You gave me a lot to think about when I took the decision to work further on the book. I'm very grateful.

Kjjraj (Amazon):Your words were a great encouragement for me and my writing process, the thought of succeeding in  my task and make the reader completely tuned with the characters' feelings is more than enough for me. Thank you for giving me this; I was in desperate need for it.

Dena Shibell (Amazon - Goodreads): Thank you for the reviews on both Amazon and Goodreads. I love how much you loved Consume Me and I can't wait for you to read Ignite Me.

3awsomeboys (Amazon): Thank you for one of the most touching reviews. I can't wait for you to read and re-read Ignite Me, and hopefully appreciate it as much as you did Consume Me, or maybe more. I have a great mix in the second book to. I'll have the playlist up and running along with the book. Thank you so much.

Del (Amazon): It's not the end, yet. You'll have Ignite Me soon, and another one after that, and I'm looking forward to your feedback and your love for the rest of the series. Immensely grateful. Xoxo...

Twinkles57 (Amazon): Wait for Ignite Me; I promise it will rock your world too, maybe a little more, you'll have to tell me. Thank you for the review and for the love. You put a smile on my face.

Finally, to Hengy, my biggest fan. I have read and re-read your e-mail several time. I will respond to it properly as there are questions in there that I'd love to answer in privacy. But I wanted to thank you for your words and for the time you took to share them with me.

One last notice before I exit, all the Goodreads reviews will be responded to individually and with all the respect it deserves.

Thank you all readers, followers, and lovers. I love that you manage to find the time to go scroll over my Twitter page, my Facebook, Blog, and Goodreads, it proves that what I'm doing is worth it.

All the love in the world, and beyond.

Sincerely, and apologetically,

R. F. Allie.

1 comment:

  1. I have not heard from you in so long. I am so glad that I decided to check out this page on amazon. I hope all is well. I was befginning to worry about you, I know you have had a very rough time of it. Would love to hear from you. In case you have lost my e-mail in all your trials I will give it to you Hope to hear from you soon. Debbie
